4 Basic Steps to Find More Happiness Today
A big change may be what you need, what you crave, and what you dream of – but maybe you don't see how it can happen today, this weekend, or even by the end of this year. But if you want to find more satisfaction today, it's possible.
4 practices for more fulfillment
1. Get present.
When we're overwhelmed by possessions or a to-do list, worry and fear distract us from what we want to focus on. Our attention is diverted by worry about all the other things we have to do, and fear that we'll never accomplish what needs to be done, or what we really dream of doing.
This anxiety is the result of "future thinking," and the antidote is to be in the present. If this is very different from your usual behavior, take it slowly at first. Set a timer for 10 minutes and just focus on what you're doing or experiencing right now. If 10 minutes is too long, try five. You can even state your intention out loud: "Right now, I'm doing this, and I'm giving it all my attention." Fear and worry can wait.
2. Prioritize simple pleasures.
Add something lovely to your life while you try to figure it all out.
Now, you can buy yourself a treat, and call that a simple pleasure. But what I'm suggesting doesn't involve shopping. Instead, think back to the 10-year-old you once were. What did that person like to do? I'm willing to bet he or she kept active, maybe by riding a bike, drawing a picture, writing a poem, knitting a scarf, reading a good book, playing with a pet, or baking up some Toll House chocolate chip cookie dough. Or perhaps they walked along the river, shot some baskets, chatted with a friend, built with Legos, did a puzzle, listened to music, or played an instrument.
Take just 15 to 30 minutes for your favorite simple pleasure today.
Related article: It's Fun and Easy to Energize Your Life With Play
3. Embrace gratitude.
No matter how bad things are, there's always something to be grateful for, even if it's just that this awful day is over and you can try again tomorrow! Keep a running list of even the tiny things you appreciate, and see if you don't feel more positive within the week.
4. Declutter.
Clutter steals your time, energy, money, space, and mental bandwidth.
Make it super simple to get started. Today, get rid of just one thing you don't need or want. Do it again tomorrow, and the next day. If you bring something new into your house, get rid of two things that day.
Be the tortoise.
I'm aware that certain life stages and some unavoidable circumstances can make these practices difficult. Not everyone has the freedom to pursue their dream career, curate their perfect wardrobe, or take 30 minutes for "me time" each day.
However, we can all give a little more attention to what's happening right in front of us right now. We can all try to think of something active we'd enjoy for a few minutes instead of mindlessly reaching for our phones or the remote. We can all be a bit more grateful. And we can all remove the clutter that's bogging us down.
Most importantly, don't give up. Do you remember your Aesop? Don't rush around like the hare, burn out midway, and stop to tune out. Be like the tortoise, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
A change may be what you need most, but it's likely that change won't be achieved overnight or even in a weekend. But I promise that you can find more contentment right now, and a little each day can add up to a very happy difference by the end of the year.
Let's do this together.
Are you starting to long for spring? Where I live, the distant mountains are beautifully snow-topped, but the hills are green and almond orchards are just breaking into bloom. Maybe where you are it's rainy, or icy, or simply gray. Enjoy a little preview of springtime with my friend Kathie Lapcevic's Spring Project Guide. I know you'll be intrigued by her recipes, remedies, and spring celebration projects.*
* I am an affiliate of Kathie's home-based business, Homespun Seasonal Living. If you purchase through my link, I will earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you.
Ready for some good news? It's possible to find a sense of purpose and direction every day. It's possible to find a life of meaning and joy. My book Simply Happy (part of my best-selling Minimalist Basics series) aspires to help you do just that. I hope to enlighten, encourage, and even goad you into choosing more joy.
Just as you gain skill at maintaining your uncluttered home, schedule, and budget, you can get better at maintaining inner serenity and peace. We can't control all the circumstances of our lives, but we have some control over our responses to them. And we can mold our habits and even our brains toward positivity and happiness.
Simply Happy will show you how to change the way you look at the world – and then you're free to pursue your joy.
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