5 Simple Concepts That Let You Add Hygge to Your Workplace

Because we so often talk about coziness at home when we talk about hygge (the Danish concept of comfort, contentment, and belonging), it might seem like the office is the last place you could experience it.  Fortunately, that's not true.  It's possible to create more hygge at work, just as you do in other parts of your life, and the benefits are far-reaching.

Let's not forget that hygge isn't just about firesides, warm blankets, and hot cocoa.  These fundamentals are also important to a hygge lifestyle:

  • Presence – being mindful and aware of our surroundings and the people we're with; participating with focus
  • Well-being – a feeling of relaxation and self-care through a slower pace and a bit of pampering
  • Connection – strengthening relationships with family, friends, and even strangers through a sense of community and belonging
  • Ambience – a feeling of warmth, welcome, and pleasure
  • Simplicity – finding joy and fulfillment in basic daily occurrences such as a hot cup of coffee, a beautiful sunset, or a refreshing walk

morning latte

Incorporating hygge at work

All of these elements can find their way into your work day.

1.  Single-task.

By choosing to single-task, you give yourself the opportunity to find more focus and even to increase your attention span.  Accomplish this in several ways:

  • Make a shortlist of two or three tasks you want to accomplish today, instead of being side-tracked by less important chores.
  • Turn off notifications and check email and texts at certain times of the day, rather than every time one lands in your inbox.
  • Use timeboxing to keep yourself focused as you work.  By concentrating on a task for specific period of time (say 15-25 minutes), then taking a short break before returning to it, you give yourself the opportunity to re-engage and re-energize yourself in order to do your best work.

2.  Improve self-care.

Many of us develop repetitive stress injuries at work, at least in part because we don't take the breaks and rests that we should.  There's also tons of evidence that sitting for hours at a time is detrimental to both physical and mental health.

You'll feel more energy and get more done if you add more physical activity and more rest to your day.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Park further away and walk to the office, or get off the bus or train one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walk over and talk to your colleague instead of sending an email.
  • Move your trash can away from your desk so you have to get up to throw anything away.
  • Practice self-massage on your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and head.
  • Stretch.

  • Take a couple of minutes every hour to look outside a window or across the office to rest your eyes from close work.  Do the same whenever you're on the phone.

  • Take your coffee breaks and lunch breaks away from your desk so you can get up and walk around.  Get outside if you possibly can!  By fully disconnecting, you'll be able to come back to work with fresh energy and ideas.
  • Smile!  Smiling triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin, which relax your body, improve your mood, and strengthen your immune system.  When you smile, the muscles used lift your face, making you look younger, and increase blood flow to your brain, improving your alertness and concentration.

3.  Connect.

Making time to connect with your colleagues, whether through a quick chat over coffee or getting to know each other outside of work, can make your workday more enjoyable as well as building your social support network.  Consider that you already have something in common because you work in the same field.  With a little friendly interaction, you may find more shared interests.

Try connecting through kindness.  The next time you volunteer for your favorite cause, or plan to give a charitable gift, why not enlist some of your co-workers as well?  Plan a canned food drive, collect gently-used outerwear, or set up a Toys for Tots drop box.

Perhaps most importantly, be ready to ignore technology in favor of the people right in front of you.

4.  Improve the atmosphere.

Yes, it's possible to make yourself more relaxed and comfortable even in a corporate office.  Here's how:

  • Maybe you can't add a cuddly throw and pillows to your desk chair, but you could add a cushion to make the seat more comfortable.
  • Maybe you can't burn anything, but a quality battery-powered candle* can add the warmth and softness you crave.
  • Your desk may have room for a small lamp to relieve the harshness of fluorescent lighting.
  • Be sure to add a photo or two of your loved ones.
  • How about a space heater near your feet in winter, or an electric fan in summer?
  • Bring the outside in with a healthy green plant.  My husband keeps several in his classroom.
  • If you can, keep a few fresh flowers on your desk.  Carnations are easy to find, inexpensive, and have a spicy, uplifting, yet calming scent.

All of these add hominess to your work space.

* This blog is reader-supported.  If you buy through my links, I may earn a small commission.

5.  Enjoy simple pleasures.

This is truly a matter of your attitude and determination to notice and savor the good things.

  • Pay attention when people smile and greet you.
  • Give thanks when someone does you a favor.
  • Compliment a colleague's good idea.
  • Notice the comfort of central heat and a/c.
  • Bring some of your favorite tea bags and brew a cup each afternoon.
  • Enjoy using a comfortable pen and attractive list pads or Post-its.
  • Stand near a window and watch the clouds, sun, rain, whatever the sky is doing!
  • Find a page-a-day calendar that makes you chuckle.
  • Write a list of at least ten things you appreciate about your job, workplace, boss, and co-workers.
  • Clean your computer and the top of your desk, and enjoy better function and a dust-free space.
  • If you usually bring your lunch, treat yourself to a restaurant lunch with a friend.  If you usually eat out, bring your lunch for a week and save the money for something special.
  • Instead of leaping into the next task, take a moment to celebrate what you just finished.  If you're working on a big project, break it into small steps so you can cheer yourself more often.

A better work life

There's no reason hygge should stay at home, especially since it can help you improve and appreciate your work life, reducing stress and increasing your everyday happiness.  It's so effective and beautiful – I encourage you to give it a try.

If you enjoyed this post, I know you'll love my book, Minimalist Hygge, part of my Minimalist Basics series.  Hygge may have originated in Denmark, but it's an idea that deserves to spread throughout the world.  It's a perfect fit with both minimalism and gratitude, and if you're interested in either, you'll love the insights shared in this book.

The concept of hygge is about much more than being warm and cozy as snow falls outside.  It's a mindset that celebrates the art of slowing down and savoring the everyday pleasures of life.  A hyggelig mindset can help you see the beauty that's right in front of you today, and Minimalist Hygge can be your guide.


  1. Aunt Diane from StreatorJanuary 16, 2025 at 6:38 AM

    Thank you for this! I will freshen up my office today and enjoy my best work life!


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