Why Celebrations Mean So Much... and How to Keep Them Simple

Throughout history, families and cultures have taken part in shared celebrations. Some are religious, some are seasonal, some are all about life passages and transitions. Celebrations join us together. They create bonds and shared memories. For families, celebrations create a family "lore." The things you do together, the way you behave together, your special names for each other, inside jokes, favorite movie quotes, the shorthand you use with each other – all of these are bonding experiences. They're what make your family your family, not like anyone else's. The way your family chooses to celebrate birthdays, losing a tooth, good report cards, and all the holidays year-round becomes part of who you are. That doesn't mean things can never change, but some aspects will become "traditional," expected, and anticipated. How to simplify celebrations while making them memorable Remember, this is all about the traditions, the "family lore." I...