8 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Your Workspace Tidy and Productive
You walk into your office and immediately feel stressed and overworked. Why is that? Your desk is a mess! It's covered in folders, papers, old coffee cups, pens (both usable and dead), paperclips, at least two staplers, and a million Post-its. Now, tell me, how can you get any work done? How can you be productive and focused when you can barely see the top of your desk? And your computer desktop is crowded with icons and shortcuts too. They cover the wallpaper photo you chose to make your workspace serene and lovely (it isn't). Did you know that 40% of workers surveyed assume that someone with a messy desk is less than competent at their job? And 28% of employers say they're less likely to promote someone with a disorganized work space. Decluttering to the rescue! You can make your desk a place that lets you store and find what you need so you can do your best work. Not only that, but a clean and tidy space projects a better image of you as an organized, responsib