When You Feel Uninspired, Try These 6 Ways to Reignite Your Creativity

Humans are meant to be creative.  By pushing boundaries, breaking new ground, and developing inventive ideas and techniques, we've adapted and survived through the ages.  Creativity makes us responsive and resilient, and it feeds our souls.

But what if you feel like you're in a creative rut?  What if you're too busy to do anything creative?  We've all been there, and these tips can help you flex your creativity once again.

reading under a tree

Practices that jumpstart creativity

1.  Change your environment.

We can get locked into thinking the same way when we're in the same surroundings day by day.  My house is the same, my neighborhood and workspace haven't changed – how can I shake myself out of feeling bored with the same old stuff?

  • Rearrange your house or your workspace.  Change around pictures, plants, even furniture for a "new" look.
  • Add a new scent.  Try a new candle or reed diffuser.  Run a cut-up lemon through your garbage disposal.  Place a bouquet of lavender on your desk or a bunch of eucalyptus in your shower.  Bake chocolate chip cookies or a pumpkin pie.  Open a window!  Find more ideas here.

  • Change your soundscape.  If you usually listen to the latest hits, try some jazz or classical music instead.  If you love the music that was popular when you were in your teens or 20's, try listening to what's being produced today.  Check out Latin sounds or Celtic music.  Listening to music reduces stress, improves your mood, and activates almost all parts of your brain – ideal for increasing creativity.

2.  Get outside.

We spend so much time inside, in front of screens, yet we're designed to experience the natural world.  Research continues to demonstrate that being outside relaxes us, which not only improves our physical health, but also helps our brains focus more effectively.  This boosts creativity and problem-solving skills.

Something as simple as eating your lunch in the park, reading a book under a tree, walking your dog, or tending your garden can improve concentration and get those ideas flowing.

3.  Get active.

Exercise boosts your mood and energy levels, which can stimulate creativity.  Take a short walk, do some stretching, or even do a few jumping jacks (star jumps) to get your heart pumping and bring extra oxygen to those all-important brain cells.

4.  Make white space.

In design, white space isn't merely empty – it has a purpose.  It holds all other elements in balance and brings them into focus.  Without white space, we miss important details.

The same is true with an over-busy schedule.  If you're feeling harassed and uncreative, make space.  Opt out of one activity for now (perhaps something you've come to dread rather than enjoy), and see if you don't find more energy and fresh ideas.

5.  Try something new.

Maybe you're feeling a bit burned-out by your usual hobbies and activities.  Why not try something different?  It doesn't have to entail a big outlay for a bunch of new tools and materials.  Try something more minimalist, such as:

  • preparing a new recipe
  • visiting a museum (art, trains, cars, natural history, cultural history, etc.)
  • origami
  • Sudoku
  • a fitness class such as Zumba, tai chi, or even aqua Pilates (check your local YMCA)
  • stargazing (you don't need a telescope!)
  • hiking or biking a new trail
  • joining a choir
  • drawing what you see or imagine

6.  Try meditation.

Simply sitting quietly and disengaging from your external environment can increase creativity, since inspiration comes from letting your mind wander.  Even a few minutes of slow, deep breathing and an attempt at clearing your mind can let new thoughts and ideas bubble to the surface.

Start fresh.

When you feel like you're caught in a rut and every idea is stale, try one or more of these practices to reinvigorate your mind and your life.

Looking for more inspiration to slow down, pay attention, and savor the goodness of everyday life?  My newest book, Minimalist Hygge,* can help you do that in any season.

Don't buy into the idea that you have to own all the goodies and climb the highest mountains (real and figurative) to have a valuable life.  A hyggelig mindset can help you see the beauty that's right in front of you today, and Minimalist Hygge can be your trusted guide.

* This blog is reader-supported.  If you buy through my links, I may earn a small commission.


  1. Number 4 is what most don’t understand. White or empty spaces, no matter how small are peace itself. I wish that we had a bigger space so that I could have more than the windowsills empty! 450 square feet, and I’m constantly declutterring although I’m not sure that there is anything left. Thanks for this article.


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