Why Decluttering Even a Little Can Make Such a Big Difference

Even if you don't think you have a clutter problem, sorting through your belongings may help you see that your home isn't as streamlined as you thought. You might be underestimating the impact of clearing out even a few items. My home has never had piles of clutter on the floor and every other surface. There's never been a hidden room full of castoffs that would shock the viewers of Hoarders . My clutter is just run-of-the-mill stuff that almost everyone lives with – worn out or poorly fitting clothes, extra gadgets, seasonal décor, free promotional items, unfinished projects, unread books, and piles of paperwork. An active life might mean that some clutter will always be entering my home. That's why I take a few minutes each week to remove the extras. I try to be intentional about what I buy and bring in. If I neglect the practice for a few weeks, I notice a difference in how I feel and relate to my home. 8 lessons learned from decluttering 1. ...