How to Celebrate the Remarkable Value of One Day

Between one day and the next, I was married, and my life changed forever. I was committed to my husband of nearly 40 years. Between one day and the next, I was a mother, and my life changed forever. My priorities and choices were permanently impacted by my daughter, who will be 35 next month. Between one day and the next, I was a grandmother. What fun! I'm so blessed with my three grandsons. Between one day and the next, any of our lives could change. It could be a promotion, an illness, an accident, or an award and the recognition that goes with it. A gift If we live to be 70, we'll experience over 25,000 days. So what does it matter if we waste a few? So what if I lounge all day in my pajamas and binge watch The Queen's Gambit ? Each day we arise with energy and hope, or not. We successfully complete important tasks, or we don't. We enjoy pleasant and kind encounters with other people, or we don't. We connect with our ideals ...