3 Steps to Help You Beat "Quitter's Day"

As we prepare to turn the calendar toward a new year, it's normal to reflect on our lives and consider improvements we'd like to make. We ponder diets, exercise plans, business ventures, career goals, and more. It's all about making a fresh start at becoming the best we can be. But how often have you made resolutions only to forget about them after a month, or even sooner? The second Friday in January is known as "Quitter's Day" because so many of us give up on our improvement plans by then. There's an art to making resolutions that can stand the test of time. Tips for making successful resolutions 1. Make bite-sized goals. Do you want to run a marathon or finish your book? Break that big goal into tiny steps. Really tiny. Decide to get suited up, stretch, and run around the block each day. Open your manuscript and write just one sentence. You can always do more, but as long as you do that much, you've met your goal. You're bu...