10 Tips to Help You Attempt Life's Greatest Challenge

Life's greatest challenge isn't starting and maintaining a successful business or creating a podcast that gains a million viewers. It's something we tend to ignore or even consider crazy and unnecessary, even though religious and ethical leaders through the ages have told us to do it. I'm talking about loving our enemies – the people we don't get along with, the ones we don't understand (and don't want to understand), and the ones who do us wrong. And that wrong might be as common as lies, criticism, or snobbishness, or as harmful as betrayal, abuse, or cruelty. An impossible dream To love your enemy is to find it in your heart to set aside any wrongs and love them as a fellow human being. You don't have to love them like you love your best friend. Just have kind feelings toward them... and if possible, express those through words, a good deed, or even just a smile. Picture the person you dislike most, and see if it's easy to find any love...