The Easy 5-Step Antidote to a Crazy Busy Life

"Oh, hi there. How are you?" "Oh, you know. Busy as usual. Crazy busy, really. How are you?" "Same old, same old. Crazy busy. See ya!" "Bye now. Have a good day." That was a heart-warming conversation, wasn't it? It's sure to bring those two people closer together and increase their understanding of each other. After all, they have a lot in common. A fool's trap "Crazy busy" is modern shorthand for: I'm really important and in-demand. My activities are valuable and necessary. I try never to miss an opportunity or advantage. I'm so productive. The thing about being busy is that it never ends. Especially in our era when we can be connected 24/7/365, there's always something else to do. Always a new opportunity on the horizon. Always a job to tend to or a problem to iron out. The to-do list has no end. And what is it for? To make a boss happy, to make money for our company, or maybe to make money for o...