Think-Back-On-It Thursday #5 - Earth Day

Now that I've written almost 480 posts for Maximum Gratitude Minimal Stuff, I'm in the process of revising my older writing.  And some of those older posts are quite useful.

blossoms and bee

But many of you are newer readers and have never seen posts that were written in 2018, 2019, or even last summer or fall.  And if you've been a faithful reader for quite a while (thank you, by the way), you've probably forgotten.  I wrote the stuff, and I've forgotten parts of it!

It's worth visiting what we've written, read, or thought before, as both a reminder and for new insights.  So on selected Thursdays, instead of posting new content, I'm going to direct you toward posts of the past that I think are worth a re-read.

The posts I'm featuring this week are appropriate as Earth Day approaches.  I hope you'll find some inspiration to think about your impact on the planet and how minimalism can make a difference.

Declutter Fearlessly, from March 15, 2019

Our extras may not only weigh us down, but steal our hope for the future and our joy in the past.  Keep what's important, but discard the rest responsibly and without fear.

Go Green with Minimalism, from April 22, 2019

Reusable bags and straws, electric cars and solar panels – they're all great.  But to make the biggest difference to our planet, own and use less.  Don't just go green, go minimalist!

Experiments in Living with Less, from October 28, 2019

The point of fasting (such as during Lent) is to give up something so we can pay closer attention to something more important.  In the same way, a minimalist experiment lets us focus on our habits, our true needs, and our values.  Here are some suggestions to try!

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin N?  More Than a Luxury, It's Essential, from June 26, 2020

Time in nature has many physical and mental benefits which we need.  But our world is increasingly mechanized, so we have to be intentional about getting enough Vitamin N.


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