I Can Help You Take Control of Your Stuff

A young boy is growing up in a house that contains a lot of stuff.  There's plenty of evidence that Americans have a clutter problem, and when you walk into this home, you see it manifested.

The adults in this house either don't want to get rid of things or don't know how.  But the young boy questions the way his family lives.  Out of curiosity – or frustration – he wants to know if this is the way a home is supposed to look and feel.

Home can be happier.

The boy visits another home and sees that not everyone lives with so many things.  Not everyone has a house where you don't want to invite your friends over, or you don't have a comfortable place to eat a meal, or the floor is always covered with toys, shoes, discarded jackets, baskets of laundry, or cartons of bulk buys from Costco.

The boy begins to realize that the clutter in his home is a barrier to the kind of life he, and maybe his family as well, would like to have.  If he also deals with a condition like ADHD or autism, he might wonder if he would feel more focused and less anxious if his family lived with less.  He's very young, but his instincts are spot on.  

Maybe he wants to know how to create the uncluttered space he longs for.

If you or your child are in this situation, you'll love my Minimalist Basics series of books.*  And I've created a special Omnibus Edition that gathers three of those books in one volume.

  • The first book, Decluttering: The Simple Guide from A to Z, is the cheat sheet you've needed to keep your clutter-free journey on track.  
  • Minimalism 1-2-3: Simple Steps to a Better Life focuses on the balance between too much and too little – not the "more is always better" mindset of our culture, but not "monk in a cave" austerity either.  It's about finding the just-right situation that best satisfies your needs and wants.
  • Finally, The Minimalist Experiment details 36 activities that anyone can use to try out the possibilities of simplifying life in six areas:  physical clutter, digital clutter, mindset, schedule, finances, and personal well-being.

Minimalist Basics: The Omnibus Edition is a useful and inspiration resource you'll turn to again and again, and the whole family can benefit from what it has to offer.

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