How to Overcome the Big Lie that Keeps You Trapped

Are you in a trap? Maybe you don't feel like it. Your life is fine. Sure, you're busy, maybe too busy. You live paycheck to paycheck, but doesn't everyone? Maybe your house payment, car payment, and credit card bills are a little high, but it costs so much to live nowadays. You feel a lot of pressure at work, and you're not really happy there, but it could be worse. The reality is you can't see any way to change things. It is what it is, and all that. You need the unsatisfactory job to pay your bills. Why would you give up your great salary and benefits, after all? What's a little stress? And what if you are wasting your energy and talents on something you don't care about? You don't really have a choice. Ah. There it is. The big lie that keeps you trapped. Can you see it? Inflated expectations You think you have no choice. But you do. You just need to recognize that you're inside the t...