Summertime Hygge: How to Increase Happiness During the Dog Days

"Don't sit so close – it's too hot."

I said those words of rejection yesterday, not to my husband (though I've said them to him on occasion), but to my darling 3-year-old grandson Damien, who wanted to snuggle next to me as I read to him.

Yes, of course I felt awful, and immediately apologized and hugged him.

brown hills of California

What's a hygge?

The Danish concept of hygge (pronounced "hoo-gah") is often thought to be about cuddling and coziness, cocooning and comfort.  Much of the marketing of hygge-related objects is about blankets, slippers, candles, and cushions.

That's fine for a country that experiences plenty of overcast and rainy days all year round, and snow, sleet, and freezing temperatures during very long, dark winters.

But I don't live in Denmark.  It's August, and I live in a climate where summer weather lasts from May through October.  And I don't mean pleasantly warm weather that encourages lush green growth.  I'm talking about north-central California summer weather, with no rain and high temperatures.  When it's 96° we say, "Well, at least it's better than yesterday when it was 106°!"  And did I mention no rain?  Without dams and reservoirs it would be a desert.

In my opinion, there's nothing comfortable about that.  I struggle to see beauty in the glaring sun and burnt brown countryside.

Can hygge be translated, I wonder?  If it makes a long, dark, frozen winter bearable, can it also transform a seemingly endless, fire-prone summer?  Is there such a thing as summertime hygge?

Protection and comfort

I found a little help from The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.  They explain that hygge is about taking time out of the daily rush and bustle to relax and enjoy life's quieter pleasures.  In fact, a similar Old Norse word meant "protected from the outside world."  

Protection.  That's definitely what I need when it's over 100°.

Hygge is about comfort and ease, so you're most likely to find it in the company of family and old friends while in familiar surroundings.  It's informal and undemanding, so no big production is required (in fact, that defeats the purpose).  It's also about equality and mutual well-being, so everyone gets to enjoy it together.  Hygge is a feeling of belonging.

You can also experience hygge when you're alone.  Creating little rituals and pleasures for yourself that relieve boredom or harshness is "hyggeligt."  The Danes think of hygge as a natural part of everyday life, rather than a forced or over-planned occasion.  It's not about escaping to the beach or the mountains, but about noticing and appreciating good moments at any time, right at home.

12 Ways to Experience Hygge when It's Too Hot to Snuggle

I challenged myself to come up with activities that would be hyggeligt in the middle of a heat wave.  See what you think.

1.  Seek comfort.

In the same way winter's cold and darkness drives you toward a blazing fire and your coziest loungewear, let a hot, dry summer entice you toward shade, cool breezes, flowing or trickling water, an electric fan or air conditioner, and loose, lightweight, mostly-cotton clothing.

2.  Stay hydrated.

In winter you can savor hot coffee or simmer wine or apple cider with spices.  But when temperatures are high, keep a good supply of ice for tall glasses of sweet tea, fresh lemonade, or water infused with fruit and herbs.  You can make it in any pitcher you already own, but I like this infusion pitcher.*

* This blog is reader-supported.  When you buy though my links, I may earn a small commission.

3.  Enjoy a garden.

Whether you care for roses and a colorful array of annuals in your yard, grow sweet peppers, cherry tomatoes, and a miniature lemon tree in pots on your patio, or nurture basil, mint, and rosemary on a windowsill, stay green!  Stop by the farmers' market early on weekend mornings, and visit a botanical garden, arboretum, or natural forest whenever possible.  

4.  Go to the movies.

On a blazing hot afternoon, I like to go to the theater with a friend.  With an icy cold drink (and maybe some hot buttered popcorn), we revel in the darkness, the big screen, and the air conditioning.

5.  Take early morning walks.

I'm a night owl myself, but even I find something very refreshing about the earliest part of the day.  It's also as cool as it's going to get for the next 24 hours.  

Resist the urge to check your phone or listen to music or a podcast.  Instead, leave home early enough to see the dawn, feel the dew, and hear the birds waking up.  Walk briskly or at your leisure, breathe deeply, and by all means smell the roses.

morning dew

6.  Get wet.

Put on your bathing suit, grab your kids, and run through the sprinklers on your lawn.  If it's too hot to even think about running, simply move your patio chair into the path of the spray, plop yourself down, close your eyes, and relax.

7.  Sink into a good book.

Take a break from obligations and reread an old favorite or a new best seller.  This summer, my list includes Jess Walter's funny and romantic Beautiful Ruins, the riveting thriller In the Woods by Tana French, and Barbara Kingsolver's wonderful first novel (set mostly in broiling hot Arizona), The Bean Trees.

8.  Make something.

Stay inside where it's cool, and let your imagination and the joy of creation put you in a happy, relaxed mood.  Draw, color, or paint rocks.  Crochet a lacy, summer-weight shawl or tie-dye some tee shirts.  Craft a birdhouse out of scrap wood or put together some wind chimes.

9.  Break out the board games.

From classics like Clue and HiHo! Cherry-O to newer favorites like Exploding Kittens and Ticket to Ride, board and card games provide fun, challenge, and quality family memories.

10.  Share a no-cook meal.

If you're like me, you hate the thought of turning on the stove (or even lighting the barbecue) on those exceedingly hot evenings.  But there are plenty of company-worthy no-cook recipes.  So light a few candles and enjoy laughter and conversation with your loved ones.

11.  Boogie to the music.

Don't sweat your workout.  If you must exert yourself, make it fun!  String fairy lights all over the backyard and dance barefoot on the grass.  Why not host a disco party?  Savor those long summer evenings.

12.  Read aloud.

Yes, a Netflix binge on a sweltering afternoon is stress-free.  But it might not foster belonging or intimacy, both of which are very hyggeligt.  On the other hand, reading aloud and sharing the experience of a book with others does promote closeness and understanding, as well as getting everyone's focus off of screens.

So gather some of your people and read a great book. 

  • If your kids are just starting to be able to enjoy longer stories (ages 4-7 or so), try the old-time favorite My Father's Dragon or Bruce Coville's The Dragon of Doom (first in a funny fantasy series).
  • For ages 8 to adult, I think you'll love Suzanne Collins' Gregor the Overlander (first in an unforgettable series) or Gary Paulsen's classic survival story, Hatchet.  
  • You and your partner might enjoy reading William Goldman's hilarious and beloved novel, The Princess Bride, or Rebecca, a haunting romance by Daphne du Maurier.

Related article:  How to Boost Your Energy with the Comfort of Hygge

Ready to hygge?

Aaaaah.  I'm feeling more hopeful, and I can see why a hyggeligt mindset makes you happier.  

I don't need to travel to cool, moist Denmark to experience hygge.  Whether in icy winter or sweaty summer, it's far better to appreciate simple and enjoyable moments than to long for escape or wish away the time.

And when I see Damien, we're going to cuddle – directly under the ceiling fan.

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  1. Watermelon party! Or the neighbors all gathered on your porch eating everyone's ice cream because a lightening storm took out the power.
    Linda Sand

    1. Hello again, Linda! Those are both great ideas! Did you know H. D. Thoreau grew watermelons out at Walden Pond and invited all his neighbors for a great feast -- so it's a great old time tradition.

      "Gathered on your porch eating everyone's ice cream because a lightning storm took out the power" -- sounds like great fun. I haven't been in a summer lightning storm since Jon and I lived in Denver when we were first married, and we didn't have a porch. BUT, one winter when my kids were teenagers we had a series of winter storms here that knocked out the power over and over for days, and at some point I told them "Eat as much of this ice cream as you can, because it's all going to melt." They still laugh about that. We basically had ice cream with bananas and nuts for dinner and wound up sharing with our neighbors too.

  2. Fun article! I hadn’t realized how much we were doing to offset the oppressive heat this summer. It is a form of hygge, isn’t it? My family of 5 has gone through about 15-20 watermelons this summer, grabbing a few every time they went on sale at our local grocery store. I think that’s a new record. You mention Barbara Kingsolver. In her book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, she talks about eating what’s in season. We’ve enjoyed buying boxes of peaches and tomatoes as they come into season in our area.

    1. A colleague of my husband Jon's brought beautiful peaches to share yesterday - yum! In my area, we do have a lot of wonderful fruits, veggies, nuts, olive oil, etc. to look forward to as the summer wears on, partly BECAUSE of all the heat and sunshine. Cherries and apricots are done, but strawberries and sweet corn are still going. Plums, peaches, tomatoes, cantaloupes, and more starting to ripen!

      Joanna, you and Linda have both reminded me of the bountiful harvests we have in my area because of the climate (although, without dams and reservoirs, we wouldn't have enough water to grow all of it). Just goes to show how important it is to look for things to be grateful for. That's one of my themes here, and I should have remembered it. Thank you, ladies!

  3. I love the idea of hygge, but have wondered how to translate it to the summer months. I also live in a hot, dry climate and too have asked my kids not to sit so close. Great ideas, thank you!


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