How to Conquer Your Fear and Discover the Joy of Less
- It makes us nervous about not having enough for our needs.
- It makes us rely on our stuff for security.
- It prevents us from being adaptable and creative.
- It makes us anxious about losing memories of our loved ones or our past.
- It keeps us from reaching out to others, whether to ask for help or to offer it.
Related article: The Truth About Clutter
Enough comes from trying things out.
It comes from challenging your preconceptions.
It comes from letting go of your fear of less.
It comes from letting go of the false security of more.
1. Box up half of your dishes, pots and pans, and cooking utensils for a month or more.
- Are your cupboards lighter and cleaner as a result?
- Do you have more space on your worktops for kitchen tasks?
- Are you still able to cook and serve your go-to recipes?
- Is there something you miss having, either for convenience or for a favorite once-in-a-while cooking experience – or are you happier with less?
2. Box up half of your clothes, shoes, handbags, beauty supplies, and accessories for a month or more.
- Are you still able to dress and care for yourself adequately?
- Are your closet and bathroom easier to keep in order?
- Do you find yourself being more creative about the outfits you put together?
- Do you feel less stress about what you wear each day?
- How does having less affect your laundry chores?
- Is there something you miss, or are you happier with less?
3. Box up half of your knickknacks and/or wall art for a month or more.
- Does your home feel bare, or is it still adequately decorated?
- Do you notice and enjoy the items that remain more than you did when your displays were more crowded?
- How does having less affect your dusting or other cleaning chores?
- Is there something you miss, or are you happier with less?
4. Box up half of your children's toys for a month or more.
- Do they still manage to entertain themselves?
- How does this impact the creativity of their play, or their ability to share toys with each other?
- Does it make any difference to the level of mess and stress in your household?
- Is there anything they miss, or are they happier with less?
5. Remove a piece of furniture for a month or more.
Choose the chair no one sits in, a curio cabinet or bookcase, or the desk that really functions as a clutter-catcher. Do you miss it (and the things it contains), or do you prefer the open space?
6. Live in fewer rooms for a month or more (just close the door).
Updated August 2023
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