How to Live Well

Is there a difference between being a minimalist and being cheap? Let me describe it this way.... There's a difference between living and living well. Having it all Too often we equate living well with "having it all." The big house, the fancy car(s), the designer clothes, the extravagant vacations. Our Facebook feed looks amazing, but what's the real truth? Maybe we're drowning in debt. Or we're working ourselves to death. We might feel inadequate, anxious, and stressed. We may be ignoring our closest relationships and weakening those bonds. If we have children, they may be learning to become ever more competitive and covetous. And in spite of it all, we may still be jealous of those who have what we don't, and still looking for the next purchase to fill us up and make us feel whole, satisfied, and at peace. Why do so many of us choose to live this way, in debt and a hostage to purchases from the past, with a future that looks...