Declutter 30 Things (or More!) With Ease This Weekend

Here's the reason clutter can take over our homes: Clutter represents procrastination. We think, "I'll put that away later." Or "I'll find a use for that later." We avoid determining whether to keep or discard, thinking "I'll decide later." Inertia takes over, and pretty soon our homes are full of clutter. The clutter feels overwhelming, so we put off tackling it, because the job seems impossible. That's more procrastination, making the situation even worse. It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to be so bogged down and mentally exhausted. Here are 30 things you can remove from your home right now . In the kitchen 1. Plastic utensils You already have proper silverware, so you don't need the plastic stuff cluttering your drawer. Take them to work and stash them in your desk to use with your packed lunch. And next time, ask the restaurant not to put them in your take-out bag. 2. Condiment p...