Let's Play the Glad Game

Have you ever heard someone referred to as a "Pollyanna?" It's intended to be an insult, by the way. Pollyanna, the heroine of a 1913 children's book ,* is determined to see the bright side. She always looks for the good in people and situations. Her cheerful outlook comes from a lifetime of playing the Glad Game with her father, who died before the book opens. * This blog is reader-supported. If you purchase through my links, I may earn a small commission. But in popular culture, calling someone a Pollyanna is to say that person is idealistic and naïve, unable to deal with the "real world." The American Heritage dictionary defines "Pollyanna" as "a person regarded as being foolishly or blindly optimistic." Is positivity toxic? Some have described the Pollyanna outlook as "toxic positivity." They assert that positivity causes you to stifle and deny negative emotions, and keeps you from finding ways to deal with diffic...