5 Reasons Your Life Will Be Better if You Simplify

You have a choice:

Spend your life in a cycle of dissatisfaction ➜ shopping ➜ accumulating ➜ organizing ➜ decluttering ➜ more shopping ➜ overwhelm ➜ spring cleaning ➜ repeat . . .

. . . or you can break the cycle, simplify, and find not only contentment but something better to do with your time, money, and energy.

spiral staircase

Many ways to declutter

Sometimes figuring out how to get to less is the easy part.  You can get rid of clutter in many ways, including these:

No matter which approach you choose, if you want the results to be long-lasting, you need to understand why you want to simplify your life.  This will be your anchor when things get tough, when you're tempted by sales and advertising, when the job of decluttering seems too hard, and when you're bored or sad and think buying something will make you feel better. 

Your why may change over time, or you may have more than one.

5 reasons to choose less

1.  Reduce stress.

Maybe you haven't realized that clutter is stressful.  Here's the way I see it:

  • Clutter reminds me of all the tasks and housework I need to do – and all of it is more difficult and more time-consuming when clutter is in the way.
  • Clutter exposes the bills and debt I've incurred by shopping, and that's stressful on both me and my husband, and on our relationship.
  • Clutter gets in the way of everything I want to do.  Looking for things, tripping on things, having to move things so I can sit down or cook or do anything else adds to my stress every day.

Removing clutter won't eliminate all stress, but it's a good start.  You can also implement an evening reset so that mornings are less hurried.  Keeping a gratitude journal will let you focus on all of the good things in your life, which gives you hope and resilience to deal with stress.

2.  Find clarity.

Do you struggle with brain fog?  Forgetfulness?  Distraction?  There are so many things that we have to pay attention to, think about, and manage that it can be overwhelming.  Excess possessions (and too-busy schedules) increase the burden.

In our hyper-connected world, something is always demanding our attention, and it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters.  Our stuff usually isn't as important as we think is it, and reducing it gives us more energy to identify and focus on our priorities.

Related article: 11 Reasons to Clear Your Clutter Today

3.  Take a break.

To often, we think of rest as something we have to earn when we've completed all our tasks.  We ignore our need for a break until we're exhausted.

But rest isn't a reward for hard work.  It's essential to our bodies and to our minds.  Sleep repairs our cells and consolidates long-term memories.  Lack of sleep interferes with metabolism, weakens the immune system, and increases anxiety and depression.  Living with less makes it easier to relax.

4.  Enjoy simple pleasures.

Living with less allows you to take time for things that bring you joy, whether that's long walks, deep conversations, mindful meals, or a good book.  Unlike expensive indulgences or once-in-a-lifetime experiences, simple pleasures can be part of every day, adding greatly to your contentment.

Related article:  Why Life is Better When You Enjoy the Simple Things

5.  Discover your purpose.

Gandhi said, "There's more to life than increasing its speed."  I'm sure he would also have agreed that there's more to life than increasing our stuff.  It isn't true that "He who dies with the most toys wins."  We all have knowledge, abilities, hearts, and souls that make us more valuable than the house we live in, the car we drive, the clothes we wear, or anything else we own.

Your purpose won't be found in a store, but if you simplify you'll gain space, time, and resources to figure it out.

Which of these reasons speaks to you?

Updated June 2023


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