Just Eat an Apple

So-called "healthy" eating can be made very complicated, with intricate diets to follow that require books, courses, meal cards, and many ingredients to shop for and prepare.  But we don't need such complex solutions to a simple problem.

In the past, when I planned how to maintain healthier choices in my diet, I always thought in terms of substitutes.  Like most people, I have favorite foods and cravings, and they prompted my search.

Enter low-fat cookies, low-salt crackers, sugar-free ice cream, gluten-free pasta, soy cheese pizza, turkey bacon, and other mutants from the world of manufactured food.

There's a lot of "healthy" junk food out there.

I spent hours researching my options and plenty of money trying to satisfy those cravings.  Almost every replacement food had one or more ingredients at least as bad as what I was trying to avoid.  Artificial flavors and sweeteners and unpronounceable chemicals abounded.  Even in the so-called "health food store," 80% of the space was given over to factory-produced products.  And more often than not, the substitute wasn't even that tasty, so I was out time and money yet still unsatisfied.

The effort I put into this search was the opposite of minimalist.  I was finding complex solutions to a simple problem.  I spent a lot of money even though the healthiest options are the cheapest, and too much of my time and energy was focused on something as basic and natural as eating.  I was missing the obvious.

Then I read about the Apple Test.

The Apple Test is meant to help you determine whether you are actually physically hungry.  The next time you're craving a snack, ask yourself if you would want the snack if it were just an apple (or another natural food that you like but are not tempted to overeat).  If the answer is yes, why not go for that apple (or other natural food) to nourish your physical hunger?  If the answer is no, then the craving you're experiencing might be something else – physical thirst or a mental or emotional need.

Maybe what you really need is a big glass of water, a few minutes in the sun, a hug, some encouraging words, a bit of exercise, or more sleep at night.  Maybe you need to write in a gratitude journal or do something kind for someone else.

You certainly don't need to binge on sweets, salty foods, or fat.  (I've never heard of anyone binging on apples.)

Apples are high in fiber and vitamins, naturally sweet, and inexpensive.  Oranges and bananas have similar benefits.  So the reminder to "just eat an apple" (or another simple, unrefined food) minimizes all of the tasks that go with feeding ourselves.

Keep it simple.

We're often led to believe that the solution to every problem is something complicated to buy or add to our lives, but "just eat an apple" can be applied to many (maybe most) situations.  

For example, the modern solution to making a grocery list is to buy a smart refrigerator.  We get used to thinking that technology makes everything better, and forget that the most straightforward and minimal solution is often the best.

How do we get control of our daily schedule?  We buy smart devices and download apps that promise to send reminders and keep us productively on-task.  But the simplest solution is obvious:  don't schedule so many work meetings and social events, and get more done by focusing on one task at a time.

And how do we get control of our screen time?  We make complex rules to govern when and where we use our phones or check social media.  We limit (and then constantly negotiate) computer and TV usage with our kids.  The "eat an apple" approach would be to delete accounts, keep phones, computers, and TVs out of the bedroom and away from the dining table, and prioritize creativity, conversation, and sleep.

Minimalism is about more than our belongings.

When we apply the same principles used for decluttering clothing, kitchenware, and tchotchkes to our diets, schedules, and habits, that minimalist mindset can help us live with greater balance and less stress.  

There's no need to over-complicate simple decisions – just eat an apple.

Updated May 2023


  1. Wonderful article! It is so simple yet profound. I’m going to use that concept in my continued journey to embrace living mindfully.


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