The No-Complaints Challenge

2020 has been a hard year for all of us , unforgettable in so many ways. I'm looking forward to the joys of Christmas, aren't you? My husband Jon finally has students in his classroom – well, half the class at a time, wearing masks and socially distanced. The third graders at his school had to go back to distance learning last week because two children tested positive for COVID, so Jon realizes that his 6th grade students could be required to re-quarantine at any time. The students with asthma and other health challenges are still at home, so he and his colleagues are trying to accommodate student learning in a variety of set-ups. The good news: This situation is uncertain and stressful for everyone, but Jon has found that his colleagues are super hard-working, committed educators, and that most of the parents of his students are flexible and good-humored. It's been that kind of year. My 95-year-old father-in-law recently passed away after a long ba...