Simple Money

Contrary to what so many people think, minimalism doesn't mean lack and deprivation. Minimalism is a tool that helps us find happiness by steering us in the direction of what we truly desire. Physical clutter can be obvious: that unused treadmill, those stacked up boxes, or the pile of knickknacks, mail, and remotes on the coffee table. But financial clutter , such as debt, overspending, and a fuzzy understanding of what we owe and where our money goes can be much less apparent. When we let go of financial clutter, we create more resources to accomplish the things we really care about. Introducing my newest book! It's called Simple Money: Achieve Financial Peace and Abundance with Minimalism ,* and it's available now on Amazon in paperback and as a Kindle ebook. (Amazon's Kindle editions can be read on any phone, tablet, or computer with their free app.) * This blog is reader-supported. If you buy through my links, I may earn a small...