95 Ways to Simplify Your Life - Black Belt Simplicity

I hope you've enjoyed this series and found tips to help your simplify your life.  If you happened to miss Part 6, go here.

I realize that these final suggestions are not for everyone, but if you've considered or implemented the previous ideas, you might be ready to go a bit deeper.

Part 7 – Black Belt Simplicity

88.  Live smaller.

A smaller home generally costs less, uses less energy, and takes less effort to clean and maintain.  How much space do you really need?

Related article:  Rethink the American Dream

89.  Try a Buy Nothing experiment.

Be an anti-consumer!  For 30 days, 90 days, or even a year, buy nothing except necessities:  food, toiletries, cleaning and maintenance supplies, medications, replacements for things that break or tear.  If you must buy a gift for someone, make it consumable (flowers, food, or concert tickets, for example), donate to their favorite charity, or pass along something of value that you own (such as jewelry or a book).

90.  Drive less.

If you can walk, bike, or take public transit, you can leave the car at home.  Can you go car-free one day a week?  Do you really need a second (or third) vehicle?

91.  Travel closer to home.

Nothing that we do pumps carbon dioxide into the atmosphere faster than air travel.  Perhaps you should ditch your bucket list and travel by rail or auto closer to home (say within 250 miles).  Aren't there amazing places in your own state or country that you've never visited?

92.  Go meatless.

Methane emissions from cattle and other livestock are a threat to global climate, and these animals and their feed also require enormous amounts of water and land.  And the meat industry is far from humane.  One easy way to help the environment, improve your health, be kinder to animals, and save money is to eat more plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains.  Why not avoid meat and dairy for one or more days a week, or for one meal a day?

93.  Eat the same foods every day.

For a period of time (or forever), limit your food choices.  Stick to oatmeal or eggs for breakfast, a big green salad or a bowl of vegetable soup for lunch (or PB&J on whole grain bread), a piece of fruit for a snack, and beans, rice, and veggies for dinner, with maybe roast chicken or a burger on the weekend.  Drink only water, coffee, and tea.  See if you don't feel lighter, clearer, and more healthy.

94.  Don't shop unless you have to.

Shopping isn't a hobby or a source of entertainment.  Don't browse stores, catalogs, or websites looking for something to want or "need."

95.  Redefine success.

We don't have to measure success with material accumulation.  Why not consider raising a happy family, excelling at your job, or acts of kindness your status symbols?

Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself.  It's what you do for others.
Danny Thomas


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