Be Quiet Amid the Noise

I think my digital attention span has hit its limit. With content arriving constantly from all directions, I feel more harassed than enlightened. News sites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, podcasts... the list goes on, and includes TV and streaming services. It's too much to absorb, too much to keep up with, and too much time invested for too little return. Life before the internet Do you remember what it was like before the Internet was a constant presence in our lives? I do. I remember being able to concentrate, having time to imagine and think. I remember turning on the TV to watch a specific show rather than sitting through a multi-hour binge. I remember being bored and finding something useful or creative to do rather than scrolling through other people's photos and reposting GIFs or memes. Sometimes we need to be quiet amid the noise. There's plenty of evidence that noise pollution causes stress, raising heart rate and...