The Most Powerful Thing in the World: Love in Action

You know that actions speak louder than words, right?  Well, actions speak louder than gifts, too


Shower the people you love with love,
Show them the way you feel,
Things are gonna be much better if you only will.
James Taylor

Here's how.

Do you really want to show love this Valentine's Day?  You can't buy it in a store.

  • Share hugs, kisses, high fives, fist bumps, and neck massages.
  • Call your mother.
  • Put down your phone, look him in the eye, and give him your undivided attention.
  • Reminisce about how you met, and happy times you've spent together.
  • Pay a sincere compliment.  Praising someone's outfit or hair style is nice, but acknowledging her kindnesses, her talents, and her smart ideas is even better.
  • Spread grace where it's needed.  Let bygones be bygones, and make the first move toward reconciliation.
  • Make his favorite food.
  • Notice a need and meet it before you're asked.
  • Spend time with your loved one doing something that she likes.  Learn about it and look for ways to enjoy it, even if it's not your cup of tea.
  • Do a chore that rightfully belongs to someone else.  Don't say anything – just let him discover it done.
  • Speak positively, and try to go one day without complaining (it's harder than you think).
  • Sing her favorite love song (it's OK if you're not Pavarotti).
  • Write a love letter.  It can be serious or silly.

Happy Valentine's Day!



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