Make the New Year Merry and Bright

Even in 2020, the holidays have so much potential to be about real things that last – hope, renewal, love, peace, inspiration. But advertisers want us to focus on other things. They want us to think that love is expressed through jewelry, merriment requires booze, and joy is found in a mountain of toys. They work hard to convince us that a gorgeously decorated tree, a Martha Stewart-worthy feast, and a new car with a big red bow will insure a perfect holiday. Advertisers are wrong. Unfortunately, I still get caught up in the promises of consumerism, even though I know they're empty. I still rush out to buy all the things. At times, I have maxed out my credit cards and spent all of my energy. I've gone crazy chasing the perfect holiday. And then it's all over. The presents are opened, the food is eaten, the special events are in the past. You'd think I'd be happy and fulfilled by all of it, but instead I feel exhausted and let down. As a ki...