The Best Holiday Ever

Jo March in the classic Little Women* says that "Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," but is that really true?  We can understand Jo's feelings when we realize that she and her sisters were giving up so much else that might have made their holiday merry.  Their father was away serving in the Army during the Civil War, and they barely had money for everyday needs such as food, heat, and clothing, let alone anything special for a celebration.  

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When other circumstances are bleak, presents can seem like the one bright spot.

Do you know of anyone in a similar situation?  A family with a parent on active duty somewhere in a dangerous part of the world?  Someone out of a job (or working two or more low-paying jobs) and struggling to buy groceries, coats, boots, or to pay for light and heat?  Perhaps you know someone dealing with health issues and doctor's bills, or unreliable transportation and large auto repair bills.


This season can increase feelings of hopelessness and deprivation.

To a family in any of those circumstances, the holidays may not feel cheery at all, whether there are presents or not.  In fact, this may seem like the darkest, most dreary season of the year, because their situation contrasts so strongly with what this time is "supposed to be."

My 22-year-old niece was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and is currently experiencing increasing symptoms in a flare-up that has gone on for almost a month now.  She and her parents are trying to put a very brave face on, but this diagnosis is devastating.

I don't want to deliver platitudes or pat answers, but I do want to show support and love.  No trinket is going to do that.  No carefully wrapped item from an upscale magazine's holiday gift list is going to do that.  Probably no beautifully sung, heartfelt rendition of "Oh Holy Night" is going to do that.  Those things are for the comfortable.  They're for people who already have everything they need – so maybe they're not necessary at all.

What can I offer?  My prayers.  A kind word.  A long hug.  Perhaps a listening ear.  My presence, even if it's at the end of a phone line.  They won't ask for help with medical bills, although there must be many.

What else?  I can donate to research that hopes to reverse symptoms and find a cure.

If we're able to see them during the holidays, maybe it would be good to try to have as normal an interaction as possible.  To play cards, and tell jokes and stories, and definitely not to grill them about symptoms and treatments.  To give them a bit of respite from what's going on – unless they bring up the subject of MS and seem to want to talk about it.

What would you do?

What truly makes the holidays special?

That's easy.   

  • Help your elderly neighbor by clearing some snow, or the last of the leaves, or by offering a ride to church on Christmas Eve so she doesn't have to drive in darkness.  
  • Drop some coins into the Salvation Army kettle.
  • Put an unwrapped toy or two in the Toys for Tots bin, or donate online.  
  • Donate the coats you no longer need.  
  • Go caroling in a care home or a hospital.  
  • Bring a bag or two of canned goods to your local food closet.

  • Make and pass out care packages to homeless persons in your town.

Pick one or two or more of those ideas and do them.  I guarantee it will be joyful and life-affirming for you, and of course to those who benefit from your actions.

Do you think it's possible we could celebrate a wonderful holiday without any gifts, without Secret Santa exchanges, without crowds at the mall, without online click-to-ship?  Maybe we'd still enjoy lots of festive music, maybe a tree or menorah and some bright lights, and certainly plenty of time to visit and play.  Maybe we'd still give a few toys to the young children in our lives, but otherwise our only giving would be to those who really need it.

It wouldn't be crazy-making or debt-creating, and it wouldn't add to guilt or stress.  It would simply be a joyful celebration of the season.

It just might be the best holiday ever.

Updated December 2022


  1. Share the Wahls protocol for healing Ms with food.

    1. Thank you, Barbara Ann. I googled Wahls protocol and found a lot of interesting information which I forwarded to my brother and sister-in-law. I appreciate your input.


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