Song of the Shepherds

I don't often write poetry, but I recently tried to write new words for an old holiday tune, and decided to share the result.

Bright stars shine in a wintry sky,
Moon is rising, night winds sigh,
Shepherds with their flocks bed down
In the fields near Bethlehem town;
Silver light glows all around,
Glory, alleluia.

Angels come with joyous news,
A Savior's born for me and you,
Choirs are singing peace and mirth
To all people of the earth,
For God's love grants all souls worth,
Glory, alleluia.

Through starlit streets the shepherds trod,
To see the infant Son of God,
Marvel at the lowly place
Where God comes down to our sad race
And offers His amazing grace,
Glory, alleluia.

Go and tell both far and wide,
Of Jesus' birth at Christmastide,
This holy Child, our Prince of Peace,
Has come to give our souls release,
That greed and strife may finally cease,
Glory, alleluia.

Now sing alleluia!

Merry Christmas to all of you!


  1. You wrote this beautiful song and the imagery is rich ,💥💯


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