We Need Grace

What is "grace," and what makes it essential to a good life? "Grace" has the same root as "gracias." When we say grace , we're thankful. We pause, notice, and appreciate. By focusing on all that is good in our lives, we crowd out more negative thoughts. So by practicing gratitude, our blessings seem to multiply. When we're gratified , we experience satisfaction. Our needs and wishes have been met, and we are content with what we have. When we're gracious , we give. We're generous, not envious. We're forgiving, not petty. We experience bounty, potential, and optimism rather than deprivation, lack, or defeatism. We see and celebrate all that we have, instead of focusing on and lamenting what we don't have. We experience contentment, and we look for ways to share our blessings. When we congratulate , we overflow with happiness for another person. We rejoice because of another person's accomplishment or...