Journal Your Gratitude

I can stand in the middle of certain stores and pick up plenty of items that might "spark joy."  I'll bet you can too.  But there's a ripple effect to retail therapy.  

When I look for joy in belongings, I always need the thrill of something new.  Contentment is short-lived, because the next shiny thing beckons.  Then I need more space to store stuff, more time to take care of stuff, and more stuff to keep me interested once I've tired of the "old stuff."  The ripples continue.

If you've ever turned to shopping as a source of comfort and pleasure, I'd like to suggest a powerful replacement.


Why gratitude is so great

The practice of gratitude changes your brain in multiple positive ways.

Current research shows that gratitude increases serotonin levels, improving sleep, mood, and metabolism.  Even more interesting, an attitude of thankfulness stimulates the production of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that's activated when something good unexpectedly happens.  While acquiring a new pair of cute shoes can release a burst of dopamine, so can sitting down with a gratitude journal.

Dr. Alex Korb, author of The Upward Spiral, has discovered that even searching for things to be thankful for is beneficial.  He writes, "Trying to think of things you are grateful for forces you to focus on the positive aspects of your life.  This simple act increases serotonin production."  His research looks at how this reverses symptoms of depression.

Unlike buying something new, a regular gratitude practice will lead to long-lasting satisfaction.  When you focus on what you're grateful for, you crowd out more negative thoughts.  And since the brain constantly looks for things that prove what you already believe (it's called confirmation bias), by regularly scanning your life for what's good, your mind will start finding even more good things for you to appreciate.

Most of us have a lot to be happy about, even if we don't think so.  And if we spend more time focusing on those good things – cultivating gratitude – we'll feel happier.  So gratefulness leads to happiness.  It's an essential part of a quality life.

Why bother with a journal?

Unfortunately, many of us have the habit of focusing on our problems and woes.  We spend a lot of time criticizing ourselves and finding fault with others.  And just like gratitude, complaining and pessimism get easier with practice.  So developing appreciation takes conscious effort.  This is why a journal can be so beneficial.

Writing down what you're grateful for forces you to slow down, be more mindful, and really pay attention to the goodness in your life.

According to Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, psychologists at the University of California, Davis, those who keep gratitude journals are not only more optimistic, but also experience more energy, enthusiasm, and emotional connection to others, while seeing more progress toward important personal goals.  That's exciting!

Sounds great.  How do I start?

It's pretty easy to write a general list of items you're thankful for:  nice weather, a thoughtful friend, your reliable car, a delicious omelet at your favorite breakfast place.  But if you take the time to get more specific, you'll create a stronger emotional response and a more powerful impact.

For example, I could list "I'm grateful for my husband Jon."  And that's true, but it's very general and doesn't really inspire good feelings.  But if I write

I'm grateful for Jon because he encourages my writing, 

slows his pace so he can walk beside me,

and makes me laugh.  I'm grateful because

we always have so much to talk about

and really enjoy spending time together,

even after 35 years of marriage.

Now I've written something that gets to the heart of why I'm grateful for Jon, and it inspires me.

Eventually, just listing things you appreciate might become repetitious.  Your kids, good health, seeing a good movie or a gorgeous sunset, a new pair of jeans that really fit....  Things like that are going to go on a gratitude list again and again.  In one sense, that's fantastic, because having continued good health and enjoying lots of beautiful sunsets is wonderful, and you should be grateful for those things.  But in another sense it can start to feel uninspired, like you're just going through the motions, and you might be tempted to set aside your journaling practice.

But if you get more specific, and pay attention to the details that evoke good feelings or memories, you'll gain more benefit as you write.  Each time you mention that you appreciate nice weather, for example, your gratitude has probably been inspired for a different reason.  Describe it.  Later, if you reread parts of your journal, you'll experience those feelings again.

I'm grateful for this windy fall day.

The clouds are moving quickly,

with occasional gleams of sunlight piercing through.

I love the sound of wind in the trees

and the freshness of the air.

I'm thankful for the scent of approaching rain

because we really need it!

Sometimes you might want to choose a focus for your gratitude.  Consider:

  • current or past relationships that have helped you
  • wonderful experiences that you've had
  • opportunities that have come or are coming your way
  • things in the natural world that you love
  • foods, items of clothing, movies, music, books, or other things you appreciate

Journaling your gratitude first thing in the morning will help you start your day with optimism and energy.  It's been described as "a hit of caffeine for the soul."  Making the practice part of your bedtime routine lets you reflect on good things that happened during the day, increasing your sense of calm and well-being and thus improving your sleep.  Choose either time (or both).  Just start today!

Updated August 2022


  1. I am a terrible journal writer, I was hoping to be the family historian and document our adventures living overseas but I was an exhuasted mom of little children and my writing was sloppy and then I didn't like it so I'd rip it out of the bound book purchased in Europe. I tried using a skinny binder that way if I was too focused on the look of the writing I could easily remove the page-- but then I just stopped and life was dark and dim for awhile. Your post today, especially with the different topics of gratitude has inspired to try again. Thank you.

    1. I struggle with perfectionism, so I completely understand how you wouldn't like the look of your "sloppy writing." I've given up on many a journal as well. What helps me is that I don't try to write a lot at any one time, just a couple of things with a few details. I'm so glad to hear you feel inspired, and good luck!


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