4 Easy Habits To Keep Life Simple

Minimalists are really no different from anyone else. We work, we socialize, we have hobbies and husbands and kids. Stuff enters our homes every day , and if we don't have a system for dealing with it, clutter will reappear. So part of the minimalist lifestyle includes learning new habits that keep stuff from once again overwhelming our lives. 4 clutter-free habits Use these as minimalist mantras! 1. Don't just put it down, put it away. Use the old adage, "A place for everything and everything in its place." As you declutter, make a home for each item you need, use, and love. Although the two are often confused, organizing, by itself, isn't the same as decluttering. If we simply organize all of our stuff in boxes and bins, we might wind up with a pretty system that hides a ton of clutter. But what if we use our drawers, cupboards, closets, spice racks, book cases, and shoe bags to place limits on what we store? ...