40 Proven Stress Busters

For many of us, the end of the school year equals the beginning of summer vacation. Even if you don't have kids or grandkids, the longer hours of daylight mean that you have more leisurely evenings to spend with friends, go to a barbecue or picnic, attend an outdoor concert, or enjoy a long after-dinner walk. Yet on a day-to-day basis, we still have work and errands and other responsibilities, and the stresses of those things can still get us down. Relaxation and stress relief are what we hope to gain from leisure, and the following ideas can also be helpful. And minimalism itself is a proven antidote to a stressful life, since it's about making space and time for what's necessary and valuable, and removing what isn't . Eat or drink 1. Drink a glass of cold water when you're feeling stress. Your problem could be dehydration rather than stress. 2. Migraine headache? Eat some spinach . It's full of magnesium, which is used in the ...