The No Money Weekend Part 1 "Family Edition"

It's the time of year when families are anticipating the summer break with no school and long, hot hours of free time. We all know that a vacation can be very expensive, but perhaps you've saved and have a plan to pay for that special trip. However, weekend activities are often not so carefully planned, even though it's possible to spend several hundred dollars in a couple of days. Families eat out more on the weekend than during the week. Add a visit to the movie theater, amusement park, or the mall, and weekend spending goes even higher. So the No Money Weekend suggested by Trent Hamm at caught my eye. The challenge is to spend no money at all... so there are no snack or coffee runs, and no driving beyond the gas in your tank. You use food from your pantry, items you already own, free events and services, the company of other people, and your own ingenuity. Today I'm posting 15 ideas that families might use to meet this chall...