Welcome to Minimalism: 8 Insights Gained by Decluttering

You've done it!  You've decluttered, or you've made a lot of headway on that task.  But decluttering is an event, while minimalism is a lifestyle.


Decluttering is the tool, not the purpose.

So, is anything different, besides the (great) fact that your house is cleaner and more spacious, your head feels clearer, and you're extremely happy with your accomplishment?  I learned a lot of things by decluttering, and maybe you came to some of the same conclusions.

1.  Your self worth is not based on purchasing or owning "the most toys."  

You are worthy as you are.  The people who judge you based on the dress you wear or the house you own are still trapped by their own fears that they aren't enough.

2.  You're overcoming those "just in case" concerns about security.  

You know it's rare for worries to become reality.  You can think about the worst-case scenario, and understand what you can live without if you must.  You've learned that relationships are irreplaceable, and very little else.

3.  You don't look for entertainment in a store.  

You're more content spending time with family and friends, at the library, volunteering, and enjoying community parks, museums, and concerts.  You notice and enjoy the natural world more than ever.

4.  You own the tools you need for what you care about today. 

You've decluttered most physical mementos of the person you used to be.  You've decluttered your fantasies, those unrealistic or unfulfilling personas you tried on for a while.

5.  You have a greater understanding of what is essential to your happiness.  

You're less weighed down by things that keep you too busy or too distracted or too in debt to pursue your most valued goals.

6.  You're learning to appreciate empty space, free time, and quiet.

All of which are becoming rarer in our world.

7.  You generally choose experiences over things.  

You know that memories last forever.  This doesn't mean you're completing some sort of high-consumption bucket list.  It means you spend time with others, eating, playing games, talking, volunteering, going to a movie or a concert or into nature.  You've joined a gym, a choir, a book or chess club, or you're finally traveling to that place you've always wanted to visit.  You create art, or sew, or build and repair things, or garden, or make music.

8.  You feel rich.  

You've decluttered a lot, and you still have plenty.  Clutter was proof that you had more than you needed.  It was proof of abundance.  Now that you are left with just enough for comfort, you feel satisfied.  You don't need to accumulate, because what you own is ample.  You're already wealthy.

Decluttering enables a life of gratitude, contentment, purpose, and joy.

If you're new to this blog or to the idea of minimalism, I invite you to subscribe and receive Maximum Gratitude Minimal Stuff in your email inbox.  Meanwhile, start reading here, here, here, and here.  


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