Self-Love Isn't Selfish

Are you always trying to improve yourself? Do most of your thoughts revolve around how you can become the ideal person you long to be? You want to be thinner, fitter, healthier. You want to be prettier, with better skin, better hair, better nails, better boobs. You want your clothes to not only fit and flatter, but also tell the world how stylish you are. You want to be more successful in your career, respected and better paid. At home, you want to be a great cook, a talented decorator, a fun hostess, perfectly organized. You want a better relationship with your partner, full of intimate communication, great sex, and complete equality when it comes to money and chores. You want to be the wisest, most loved and trusted parent, and you want your children to be smart, confident, kind, and successful in every way. I could go on, but I think you're already nodding in agreement. In every facet of your life, you want to improve – do more, have more, achieve more. A desire for...